Dr. Barbara Tobias, CEO and Owner
Dr. Barbara Tobias, CEO and Owner
Dr. Barbara Tobias, CEO and Owner
My Approach
Therapy is meant to improve your life. Whether you are seeking individual or couples therapy, the result is felt within yourself and it extends to you in relationship with others.
My approach is tailored to you and the issues that brought you here. Our time together will be spent exploring.​
Your family history and generational patterns to raise awareness of the tendency to repeat these patterns in successive generations.
History of behavioral health issues, individual as well as extended family.
Identification of childhood and adult trauma.
Ethnic, cultural and spiritual factors help to define your life experiences.
There are a number of techniques that can be implemented for therapy, we use what works for the client. Our work is not a cookie cutter method but is individualized to match the presenting issues.
Relationship Counseling
All therapy is includes relationship counseling, regardless of whether it's in individual, parent-child, spouse-spouse, significant other-significant other, is a common denominator within any therapeutic venue. Relationships can be difficult and simple day-to-day problems can increase stress or strain within the individual can at the same time impact interpersonal relationships. Relationships are impacted by chronic illness, ineffective communicating skills, infidelity, emotional distancing, trust-mistrust issues, behavioral issues, financial challenges and the daily micro-aggressions that tend to diminish the coping resources.
Reach Out
If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health issue, please reach out to Evolving Relationships for guidance and support at info@evolving relationships.net.
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.