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Dr. Barbara Tobias, CEO and Owner

All relationships are like a dance, the beauty of the dance starts with me!

Pain is what typically brings people into therapy. Emotional pain is often ignored until it begins to wreak havoc in your life.


At Evolving Relationships we understand emotional pain because we have experienced it ourselves. We provide a safe, nonjudgemental space where you can make meaning of the tough places in your life. 


We believe that your pain often leads you to your purpose.


When people form romantic relationships they often ask the object of their affection to "Please don't change". Change is a part of life. If we don't change we don't survive. Couples therapy will help you to begin to have different discussions with your partner so that the relationship can evolve, survive and thrive.




You really can learn a new way to dance with one another.

The Academy for Evolving Relationships

This course teaches you the most important things you were never taught in school. . . . how to develop and maintain healthy relationships. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. (Tao Te Ching). Are you ready?





This course just might change your life.

Therapy Sessions & Courses
My Approach

My approach is a holistic one that honors the presence of mind-body-spirit, all of which reflect the challenges of daily life. While many of the tools used to assist our clients include cognitive behavioral therapy, we also explore the intergenerational trauma from the long journey from "there to here". Intergenerational history and current realities are explored with the therapist walking alongside  the client.  Together, the client and therapist   identify the consequences all human beings experience from living in a very complex world.  

I was born and reared in Southern California, but I have lived all over the United States. I spent the majority of my adult years raising my children, completing my education, and working in the south where I learned precious lessons about family, respect, and the value of the elders.


I earned a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology from The University of Georgia in 1998., a Masters in Family Health Nursing at Clemson University in 1987, and a nursing degree from Washburn University, Topeka, KS. in 1980.


 I have had a combination of 30 years of experience teaching doctoral-level Clinical Psychology and baccalaureate-level nursing. I worked as a Command Psychologist for the United States Army Recruiters (USAREC) for four years and I have maintained a private practice for nearly 20 years.

I am an extrovert who has been described as a woman "who never met a stranger." I'm also known for my full belly laughter!

At 70 years of age, I still have an amazing zest for life. I enjoy my family, friends, my dogs, swimming, reading, and exercising.

About me

Getting Help

"I believe it is not so much what happens to us in life as is the meaning we make of it. I have known joy and success, but I have also known pain, loss, and failure. This is why I emphasize that my work is research-based but reality  tested. The space we create provides a non-judgment zone, a safe place to be real, drop the mask, and do the intentional work of making meaning of your life.."  Getting help begins with reaching out by email or telephone. We will get you scheduled as soon as possible


Most of the world is experiencing anxiety and for real reasons. Given the pandemic, climate changes, political polarization, and the changes in the way we must now live our lives, we are feeling anxious. This world has presented us with unprecedented challenges. Perhaps you will feel some relief to know that you are not alone. If you are having trouble concentrating, unable to finish tasks or assignments, having difficulty sleeping, or you are having challenges making decisions you are probably suffering from anxiety.  If worry plagues you, and you fear the worst will happen, cognitive behavioral therapy can help to bring relief to you and change the way you think about life.

We have treatments that can free your mind and empower you to move toward, through, or over the thing you fear.

 False Expectations Appearing Real


Depression is common among men and women. While there may be gender based differences in  symptoms, the effect on your life is tremendous. If you have been feeling unmotivated, having difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much, missing important deadlines, and just feel like life is hopeless and you feel helpless to change it, you are probably depressed. The symptoms for men most often lead with anger since men are not socialized to feel or acknowledge emotions like inadequacy, helplessness, or failure. Depression is a warning message that it is time for you to focus on yourself, your health, and where you are in life.


There is help for depression that works and you have taken the first step toward getting that help.  


You will not find "life" in the DSM-V (The Diagnostic Manual for Mental Illness), however, unexpected and expected changes in your life can throw your game off. This phenomenon is normal but what to do about it often requires professional help.  The loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, health challenges or the loss of enthusiasm for the life you are living are opportunities for growth. We often call this a "developmental crisis". 

You don't have to struggle through this alone. The courage to change helps you to move in a different direction and liberates you from the bondage of fear.

No change, no pain, and no growth. Growth pain is "good pain" like pushing your body to do more.. .   walking, running, push ups, sit ups.

Push through the pain to find your strength.
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Mon - Thu: 9am - 6pm EST

Temple Hills, MD

Tel: (301) 580-0296

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